Gloss meter units and gloss testing

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Finding out the gloss factor for a product is very important to meet the standards and a gloss meter helps to measure the specular reflection that would not be observed by the naked eye. With different types of gloss meters available in the market it has become easy to give quality services and products to the clients.

Gloss meter

Gloss can be defined as an attribute of the surface of an object that causes them shine or lustrous. The more light is reflected, the more visible will be the impression of the gloss. The effects of gloss are based on the physical properties of the surface of the object and its interaction with light. Other factor that influences the gloss is the physiological evaluation scale. Though human eye can evaluate the gloss differences, but they can vary from person to person as the evaluation conditions are not clearly defined. Gloss meters are devices that measure the gloss of a particular surface in order to determine whether the product of the job done is fine.

How is Gloss measured?

The gloss of an object is measured by directing a beam of light at a specified angle on the surface to be tested and then measuring the amount of reflection. The characteristics of the surface of the object determine the gloss meter angle that is to be used and the gloss meter model. It is only in seconds that the surface gloss of the surface can be read and this powerful tool ensures the quality of the work. Since a gloss meter is a high performance device having easy measurements and calibration, it is operated in various industries.

Why should you measure Gloss with a gloss meter?

The gloss of an object is influenced by various factors like the amount of coating that is applied, quality of the substrate and the smoothness attained during polishing. The gloss meter is of great benefit to product manufacturers and stone polishing service providers who can judge if their work has a high finish or not. Without a gloss meter, the customers will see this as a defect or poor quality. The usage of a gloss meter ensures good quality and eliminates various problems.

The gloss levels of any product or stone polishing should be consistent for the product which means any drop in the gloss of a coated surface can point to some problems related to poor adhesion or lack of protection of the surface that is coated. It is because of this reason that many industries as well as service providers monitor the gloss of their products and use a gloss meter to achieve the accuracy. Gloss meters are very useful in determining the consistency of the polish on stones and maintaining the quality of the restorative process of polishing stones.